Tuesday, June 30, 2009

DAY 73

back to business

je commence à faire une pièce pour avoir l'intérieur de porte pour pouvoir mettre les joints de contour de porte

pièce démoulée, il va y avoir du travail pour l'adapter sur le master

comparaison des deux batteries

Sur ce genre de projet, une casse auto représente le paradis pour trouver les pièces manquantes ^^

l'inconvéniant quand on travail dehors, c'est qu'il il y a tout plein d'insectes qui viennent saloper le travail. Tient, ce soir je regarder starship troopers pour décompresser ^^

enfin bon, les plaques de fibres stratées me permettent de gagner énoooooooomément de temps. Le résultat est bluffant

For english readers
sorry fellaz, I didn't have time to translate the diary
but the death of one of my best friends killed my motivation for the last two weeks
but life goes on as said the great tupac
The front end design is fixed, I'm still working on the rear end

The first battery arrived, it lose some point with the poor quality of the shippment, the quality of the cell itself was very low too. When I take it outside, a part of the box fell on the ground
the pedal box arrived yesterday
I received the cell from thundersky too. The quality is really higher than the first one.
Thundersky has some bad reputation on the forums, but they take care of their cell during shippment.

I'm making a piece of fiverglass of the inner part of the doors. Their will be some work to adjust it on the body master

The problem, when you're working outside, are bugs. They are putting their $*%@" legs on the fresh gelcoat. Tonight i'll watch starship troopers to cool dow ^^
but, these fiberglass plate will earn me huuuuuuuuge time in sand papering

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